Registration Form

Ordering person details:

To be entitled to the reduced fee, the required proof must be provided. A Proof of Status is:

* an official letter written by the institution representative (head of department, hospital, company), which confirms the status of the applicant. The document must be issued in English on the organization’s official letterhead.
Date between 26.05 and 04.06.2023
Date between 26.05 and 04.06.2023
Please type date between 26.05 and 04.06.2023, flight no., name of the Airport you are departing from, arrival time to Kraków Balice Airport (comma separated)
Please type date between 26.05 and 04.06.2023, flight no., name of the Destination Airport, departure time from Kraków Balice Airport (comma separated)
Special requirements, name of accompanying person, etc.
Please provide: bank name, bank address, account holder, bank account number in EUR (IBAN), SWIFT

Co-owners list:

[ comming soon ]
The password must be at least 8 characters, contain upper and lower case letters and numbers or special characters